Become a Student Today Please complete the form below in English. First Name * Last Name * Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Gender * Female Male Prefer not to say Ethnicity * Native American Black White Hispanic Asian Pacific Islander Other Not Available Country of Birth * Date you entered the United States * Please include month and year. Marital Status * Married Single How did you hear about Project Literacy? * Website Friend/Family Library Internet Search Special Event Employment Status * Employed Unemployed Disabled Seeking work Not in the labor market What is your street address? * What is your City and Zip Code? * Email * What is your phone number? * Emergency Contact Name * Emergency Contact Number * Which programs are you interested in? * Basic Literacy English as a Second Language High School Equivalency test Skills Mathematics What is your goal? * What weekdays and times are you free for tutoring? * Tutor Preference * Female Male No preference Education Level and Area of Study: * Grade 0-4 Grade 5-8 Grade 9-12 High School Diploma Some college Undergraduate degree Post graduate degree What is/was your job? * In which country did you receive your education? * What is your home language? * Do you prefer online ? * Please Note:To provide you with a volunteer tutor, it is important that when we contact you by email or phone, you must reply as soon as possible. We have a very long list of students waiting to be matched with a tutor. Communicating with us is important to make the process work better. If we do not hear from you within 2 days, we will remove your name from the waiting list. The estimated wait time to be match with a tutor is about 3 months or more.Please save our contact 488-7979Thank you.